Aviation Articles

Below are the latest aviation articles posted, in date order.
7° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Vega”

7° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Vega”

Author: Ian French Photography: Ian French7° Reggimento AVES "VEGA" was formed in 1998 at the Rimini Miramare base reporting to the "FRIULI" Airmobile Brigade. The two flight groups of 7° Reggimento "VEGA" provide significant operational flexibility allowing the unit...

5° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Rigel”

5° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Rigel”

Author: Ian French Photography: Ian French5° Reggimento was established in 1976 at Carsarsa della Delizia, the airport dedicated to the First World War Italian ace Maj. "Francesco Baracca". 5° Reggimento "RIGEL" formed by the fusion of two pre-existing flight units:...

4° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Altair”

4° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Altair”

Authors: Ian French & Jon Astley Photography: Ian French4° Reggimento was established in 1976 at Bolzano and controlled all alpine units. It had three squadrons originally. 24° Gruppo Squadroni “ORIONE” at Belluno (South Tyrol). 24° Gruppo Squadroni was established in...

Aviazione dell’Esercito at Viterbo

Author: Ian French Photography: Ian French & Jackie Rodgers1° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “ANTARES”1° Reggimento was originally formed in 1976 with 11° Gruppo "ERCOLE", later 51° Gruppo "LEONE" and 12° Gruppo GRU, now disbanded. Nowadays the regiment is...

Overview of Aviazione dell’Esercito

Overview of Aviazione dell’Esercito

Author: Ian French & Brian Rodgers Photography: Ian FrenchThe organisation and role of Italian Army Aviation has undergone significant and frequent radical changes over its life making a thorough, succinct and coherent history rather challenging.The Army Aviation...

Exercise Nordic Response 2024

Exercise Nordic Response 2024

Author: Ian French Photography: Ian French, USMC, Royal Norwegian Air Force & Swedish Air ForceNordic Response was originally a Norwegian exercise called Cold Response, which took place every two years. With the expansion of NATO to include Finland and Sweden, this...

Força Aérea Brasileira – Part 2

Força Aérea Brasileira – Part 2

Author: Ian French Photography: Força Aérea Brasileira & Ian FrenchPart 1 of the Força Aérea Brasileira covered the wing structure and this artcile, Part 2, covers the units outside of that structure. The first unit is Grupo de Transporte Especial (GTE) at Brasilia...

Força Aérea Brasileira

Força Aérea Brasileira

Author: Ian French Photography: Força Aérea Brasileira & Ian FrenchThe Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) is the aerospace branch of the Brazilian armed forces and is managed by the Aeronautics Command (Comando da Aeronáutica – COMAer). COMAer was created in 1999.COMAer...

Peru – Direccion de Vigilancia y Reconocimiento Aeroe (DIVRA)

Peru – Direccion de Vigilancia y Reconocimiento Aeroe (DIVRA)

Author & photographer: Ian FrenchThe Dirección de Vigilancia y Reconocimiento Aérea (DIVRA) was established in 2015 to address the growing threat of drug trafficking and terrorism and to better organise the country's surveillance operations. It is based at Las Palmas...

Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya

Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya

Author: Ian French Photographers: Ian French & Brian Rodgers The origins of the Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya can be traced to 1913 with the formation of Escuela Militar de Aviación which was part of the Army. This developed into the Aeronáutica Militar in 1935 to modernise...

Reparto Sperimentale di Volo (RSV)

Reparto Sperimentale di Volo (RSV)

Author: Ian French Photographers: Ian French, Steve Fenton, Jon Astley & Brian RodgersThe RSV is a unit of the Aeronautica Militare Italiana responsible for evaluating and testing aircraft, systems and related equipment prior to entering service. The RSV operates on...