Photography: Força Aérea Brasileira & Ian French
The first unit is Grupo de Transporte Especial (GTE) at Brasilia which reports directly to The Comando Geral do Ar (COMAer).

1 Esquadrão
Aircraft operated: C-47, Viscount (VC-90) 1956-1987, B206 (VH-4) 1967-2005, B1-11 (VC-92) 1968-1976, B737 (VC-96) 1976-2010, AS355F2 (VH-55) 1987-2005, A319 (VC-1) from 2005 & ERJ190 (VC-2) from 2008
2 Esquadrão
Aircraft operated: C-47, H-13 1953-1960, HS748 (C-91) 1962-1969, BAe125 (VU-93) 1968-2007, Learjet 35A (VU-35A) from 1987, Learjet 55C (VU-55C) from 2000, ERJ145ER (VC-99A) from 2004 & ERJ135BJ/LR) VC-99B/C from 2006
3 Esquadrão
The unit was activated in 2005 for dedicated rotary wing operations.
Aircraft operated: B206 (VH-4) 2005-, AS332 (VH-34) 2005-2015, EC635 (VH-35) from 2008, EC725 (VH-36) from 2012 & HB355 (VH-55) from 2005

The department was formed in 1967 at Pirassununga.
Academia de Força Aérea
The unit was formed as Escola de Aeronáutica in 1941 and received its present name in 1969. The Academy moved from Campo dos Afonsos, Rio de Janeiro to Campo Fontanelle/Pirassununga, São Paulo in 1971.
1 Esquadrão
The unit was formed in 1969 and controls Esquadrilhas Antares, Castor, Sirius, and Vega. 40 T-27 are to be upgraded to T-27M. The first upgraded aircraft was delivered in 2020.
Aircraft operated: S11 (T-21) 1954-1973, A122A (T-23) 1973-1983 & T-27 from 1983
2 Esquadrão
The unit was formed in 1969 and controls Esquadrilhas Orion, Centaurus, Aquila, and Leo.
Aircraft operated: S12 (T-22) 1960-1973, A122A (T-23) 1969-1986, T-37B 1967-1981 & T-25 from 1968

The unit was formed in 1952 at Campo dos Afonsos, Rio de Janeiro with four North American T-6 Texan.

Aircraft operated: T-6 1952-1968, CM170 (T-4) 1968-1975, T-6 1975-1976, T-25 from 1982, T-27 1983-2012 & A-29A/B from 2013
Clube de Vôo a Vela
The unit was formed as Clube de Vôo a Vela da Sociedade dos Cadetes da Aeronáutica in 1972 and became Clube de Vôo a Vela da Academia da Força Aérea in 1976.
Clube de Ultraleves
The unit was formed in 1984 and disbanded in 1995.

The unit was formed as in 1967 as Diretoria de Eletrônica e Proteção ao Voo (DEPV) and received its present name in 2001.
Grupo Especial de Inspeção em Voo (GEIV)
The unit was formed in 1972 subordinated to the Diretoria de Eletrônica e Proteção ao Voo (DEPV) at Aeroporto Santos-Dumont, Rio de Janeiro. It is responsible for the function, vigilance and inspection of aerial navigation support equipment. Five EC-95s were upgraded to IC-95s from 2016. Two IU-93A were upgraded to IU-93M.
Aircraft operated: EC-45T 1972-1974, EC-47 1972-1983, HS-125 (IU-93) 1974-2000, EMB110A (EC-95) 1976-2016, EMB110P1K (IC-95) 2016-2019, Hawker 800XP (IU-93A) from 2000 & EMB550 (IU-50) from 2016
Centro Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (CINDICTA)
CINDICTA consists of four entities, CINDICTA I at Brasilia (established in 1973), II at Curitiba (established in 1982), III at Recife (established in 1988) & IV at Manaus (established 2005). CINDICTA II operates a C-208.

The unit was formed in 1969 at Base Aérea de Marte, São Paulo as Comando-Geral de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento, was renamed Departamento de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento (DEPED) the same year, became Comando-Geral de Tecnologia Aeroespacial (CTA) and moved to Parque Martim Cererê/Sãn José dos Campos/São Paulo in 2006 and received its present name in 2009.
Instituto de Pesquisas e Ensaios em Voo (IPEV)
The unit was formed in 1961 as Seção de Operações e Ensaios em Vôo, later became Subdivisão de Ensaios em Vôo, became Curso de Ensaios em Vôo (CEV) in 1986, then became later Divisão de Ensaios em Vôo (DEV) and received its present name at an unknown date and is part of Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial (DCTA). A large number of types have been operated as and when testing is required.
Centro de Lançamento de Alcântara (CLA)
The unit was formed in 1989 at Alcântara and is a rocket launch base.
C208 (C-98A) from 1989