Photography: Ian French

44° Gruppo Squadroni “FENICE” at Belluno (South Tyrol). 44° Gruppo Squadroni was established in 1976 with two subordinate units: 441° & 442° Squadroni ERI both with AB206 until 1996 and AB205 from 1988 to 1996 when all units disbanded. Its assets became 48° Gruppo under 5° Reggimento in 1996.
54° Gruppo Squadroni was also established in 1976 and has had up to six squadrons since then operating AB47 1976-1980, AB204 1977-1978, AB205 & AB206 1976-2016.

4° Reggimento is an Alpine regiment and one of its main missions and specialities is mountain search and rescue. Other responsibilities cover border patrol, transport, medical evacuation and fire fighting.

In 2019, following a reorganisation of the Army Aviation, the Gruppo Squadroni assumed the configuration of a Detachment Permanente “TORO”.with the name of 34° Distaccamento
The AB205A soldiers on and after 50 years of service in Italy it is in the very last years of its service life. It is universally loved due to its simplicity, durability, reliability and ease of maintenance. It will be replaced in the next few years with the new generation of utility helicopters from Leonardo.
The AB205A was upgraded in 2010 for better protection whilst operating in Afghanistan. This version is known locally as the UH-205A(MEP) (Mission Equipment Package). This upgrade featured a Doppler Global Navigation System, new VHF & UHF radios, armoured seats and ballistic floor protection, infrared signature suppression system for the engine exhaust, an infrared counter measure system, radar, laser and missile warning systems and chaff and flare dispensers.
MM80451 AB205A coded EI261 preserved at Venaria Reale in a special scheme commemorating the 100th anniversary of the airfield in 2009