All photography:  Ian French

Copyright:  Aviation Press Ltd

Aviation Articles:

7° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Vega”

7° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Vega”

Author: Ian French Photography: Ian French7° Reggimento AVES "VEGA" was formed in 1998 at the Rimini Miramare base reporting to the "FRIULI" Airmobile Brigade. The two flight groups of 7° Reggimento "VEGA" provide significant operational flexibility allowing the unit...

5° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Rigel”

5° Reggimento Aviazione dell’Esercito “Rigel”

Author: Ian French Photography: Ian French5° Reggimento was established in 1976 at Carsarsa della Delizia, the airport dedicated to the First World War Italian ace Maj. "Francesco Baracca". 5° Reggimento "RIGEL" formed by the fusion of two pre-existing flight units:...

Photo Reports:

Polish Air Force 100 Year Anniversary

Polish Air Force 100 Year Anniversary

The Polish Air Force celebrated its 100 year anniversary in late August 2018.  Celebrations included a families open day at Dęblin-Irena followed by an airshow at Radom-Sadków.  Ian French produced this photo report. All rights belong to Aviation Press Limited....