Photography: Ian French & Força Aérea Brasileira

The following Força Aérea Brasileira squadrons are based at Manaus and constitute Ala 8 (which reports to the Amazon Air Command (VII COMAR)):
– 7 Esquadrão /8 Grupo de Aviação
– 1 Esquadrão /9 Grupo de Aviação
– 7 Esquadrão de Transporte Aéreo

In 1987 the 1° Esquadrilha of 7°/8° GAv with Aérospatiale AS.355F2 Fennec (CH-55) was formed at Base Aérea de Belém and 1° Esquadrão “Falcão” / 8° Grupo de Aviação (1°/8° GAv) was reformed in 1992. After the reestablishment of 1°/8° GAv in 1992 the unit’s name was “Falcão Pioneiro”, as the name “Falcão” was used by 7°/8° GAv. In 1998 however, the latter unit became known as “Harpia” and 1°/8° GAv received its original name back.
Helicopters operated: UH-1D 1980-, AS355 (CH-55) 1987-1992, AS332M (H-34) 1987-1991, UH-1H 1997-2006 & UH-60L from 2006

Aircraft operated: DHC-5A (C-115) 1970-2008 & Casa 295M (C-105) from 2008

Aircraft operated: EMB110 (C-95) 1983-2007, C208 (C-98A) from 1988, EMB120 (C-97) from 2007 & C208A (C-98B) from 2009