Photography: Ian French & Força Aérea Brasileira

In 2010, the civil airport was named after Júlio Cezar Ribeiro de Souza (1837–1887), a researcher of balloons.
Belém also houses a unit of the Aviação Naval Brasileira: 1° Primeiro Esquadrão de Helicópteros de Emprego Geral do Norte “Hipogrifo” (HU-41).
HU-41 was established in 2019 reporting to the 4th Naval District. Its primary mission is river patrol and it operated three UH-15 Super Cougar but these are being replaced by H-36 Caracal.
Today, the following Força Aérea Brasileira squadrons are based at Belém and constitute Ala 9 (which reports to the Northern Air Command (I COMAR)):
– 3 Esquadrão /7 Grupo de Aviação
– 1 Esquadrão de Transporte Aéreo


1 ETA has operated the Consolidated CA-10 Catalina from 1969 to 1982, Douglas C-47 Dakota from 1969 to 1983, the C-95 from 1983, the C-95A in 1984, the C-95B from 1984, the Embraer EMB120 (C-97) from 2007, the Cessna 208A (C-98) from 1998, and the C-98A from 2009.